FVO = Fiskevårdsområde, FVOF = Fiskevårdsområdesförening och FVF=Fiskevårdsförening. Det finns cirka 2 000 fiskevårdsområden i Sverige. Alla har egna regler när det kommer till hur fiske får utföras. Read more... →
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Our fishing area can offer a scenic environment with easily accessible fishing waters. The main town is the village of Myckelgensjö. There is a campsite with put-and-take fishing for rainbow trout, a nice barbecue area and meeting room for activities, e .g. weddings, baptisms, birthday celebrations. Very close by …
Up to 200 lakes and streams and 16 km of running water within the Rämen fishery area. The larger watercourses consist of lakes with plenty of pike and perch, there is also salmon trout and pike in some of the waters. In the woods there are mostly pike and …
Borssjön has a depth of 8 meters and with a mixture of shallows, rice fields and shallow reed bays, there is something to suit every angler. The lake is part of the Alsterälven catchment area and has an abundant stock of perch, pike, zander and various whitefish. A loading …
The following waters are available in the fisheries conservation area: Albutjärn, Djuvtjärn, Gettjärn, Gravtjärn, Grästjärnen, Gubbtjärn, Gärdetjärn, Hålevattnet, Långtjärn, Mörttjärn, Rinnen, Stensjön, Stensvattnet, Stora Laxetjärnet, Stora Rudtjärn, Stora Ulvsjön, Silbodälvenvenj . …
One of the landscape's most beautifully situated fishing waters. Plenty of lakes and ponds with pike, perch and noble fish. Ore river with grayling and trout and the majority of nice shacks. As well as our beautiful lake Amungen with its large trout, perch and of course the pike …
Bosjön's fisheries management area is just outside Borås. The fishing license gives you the opportunity to fish in 15 larger or smaller lakes. In the largest lakes there are perch, bream, pike, roach and eel. Gös is exposed in Uppsala and Västersjön and Bosjön. The area is strongly acidified …
Kalvsjön offers good fishing for zander, pike and perch. And in a peaceful nature with a wilderness character, there are no disturbing roads or communities to disturb the peace. Kalv's family camping rents out boats and canoes and offers overnight accommodation on campsites and in cabins, even in houseboats. …
Lake Summeln is about 500ha and is located in the western part of Kila parish within Säffle municipality. The lake is nutritious and has a rich fish stock. There are plenty of pike, perch and whitefish. The availability of pikeperch is moderate. Spread of diseases In order to minimize …
One of Värmland's most beautiful lakes with its own trout stock. The following waters are available in the fishery conservation area: Big Gla, Bjursjön, Gränsjön, Kvarnsjön and many forest stars. For further information see pdf map. …
Säven is the largest lake in the fishery area. An area of 1226 ha and an estimated maximum depth of 34 meters. Other lakes include: Baståsasjön, Döve Dals Lake, Lillesjö, Malsjön, Rönåsasjöarna, Sand Lake, Little and Great Woods No, Lövåsasjön, Vänga dust, cream, mill brook, Myresjöån, Rönåsaån, turf, Säveån …
Fishing along the Faxälven a beautiful natural environment. Here, as in Sporrsjön, there are coarser pike and fine trout and perch. These waters can be fished from a boat. Flowing water is found along the Norrån / Vängelälven river. The detour Bergögrenen, ie between Sporrsjön and Stamseleviken is also …
All waters within the fisheries management area: Stora Hallången, Lilla Hallången, Stora Djupasjön, Mjöasjön, Bredasjön We offer good fishing for a large number of species with emphasis on pike, perch and roach. Zander have been released in Mjöasjön, Stora Hallången and Lilla Hallången. A population of blue whiting occurs …
Öresjö is perhaps one of Sweden's best ice lakes. In the larger competitions, the winners usually pull up over 10 kg ! The fishing license for Öresjö is also valid in Viskan up to Örebro and in Stora and Lilla Tosserydssjön . A special fishing license provides the opportunity …