Lake Ya is 32 hectares, the lake is quite shallow so a boat is preferable when fishing here. We release rainbow trout every year. In the lake there are pike, perch and roach naturally. Boats can be rented from Enis Törnsjö Havraryd. The boat site is reached via a …
Lake Toftasjön is located by Sandsbro about 5 km from the center of Växjö. The fishing license is also valid in Yasjön and Skirsjön, which together cover approx. 320 ha of water. The proximity to Växjö makes the trip short if you want good fishing close to the center. …
The lakes are rich in species with fine perch and pike. If you like angling, you can fish for bream, bream or carp. Our lakes offer varied fishing with many possibilities. Possibility of catch-and-release fishing for mirror carp in Täxlesjön . …
Mindre sjöar med i huvudsak gädda, abborre, mört och sutare .Båtar finns för uthyrning. Fiske från båt med bensinmotor är ej tillåtet. Här finns vacker natur inom ett stort rekreationsområde och med möjligheter till många olika aktiviteter, här har vi bland annat Åkulla bokskogar. Välkomna ! …
The lakes are located in Lagan's water system. Nejsjön is at its highest and has no major inflows. Afterwards comes the Åbrunnen, which is a small water before Lake Yas , the largest of the lakes. It is mainly forest around the lakes except for some open land with …
Our fishing waters are divided into 4 management areas with a total of 28 lakes. Areas 3 and 4 seem to cross the border to Blekinge. White fish, pike, perch and pike. Salmon trout can be found in Lake Deep, Lake Yas and Lake Sävsjön. Kvesen and other lakes …
Fishing for pike and perch is especially good in Byasjön. The lake has an intriguing bottom, with shallows frequented by perch and depths and drop-offs where pike lie in wait. Measurements have been made in some places in the lake where the depth approaches 25 metres. The lake`s natural surroundings …
We offer good fishing for pike, perch and goose in the larger lakes. The smaller lakes offer good opportunities for meta, braxen, hunter, roach and birch. Boat ramp is located in Holsjön at road 154 near Holsjunga society and at the north west tip of Holsjö (Ekenäs). Boats can …
Ån Lagan är pulsådern som sträcker sig från Strömsnäsbruk ut till länsgränsen till Halland, cirka 25 km. Där finner du den riktiga vildmarkskänslan, men även lättillgängliga små smultronställen. Sjöarna inne i Markaryds tätort; Getesjön (OBS i Getesjön är endast båt med elmotor tillåtet) mitt i centrum som är lättilgänglig även Lokasjön-Byasjön …
Welcome to Öjaren with several lakes' fisheries conservation area which is part of the Mörrumsån water system. The lakes are one of the richest in the area, with good access to fish species such as pike, perch, roach, bream and tench . …
The fishery area consists of eleven lakes and lies within Åkulla bokskogar. The largest are Skärsjön, Byasjön, Ottersjön, Valasjön, Älvasjön and Kalvsjön. The lakes are embedded in beautiful surroundings with varied deciduous forests and pastures in hilly terrain. The character of the lakes varies from deep clear water lakes …