Älmeboda-Eringsboda FVOF

  • Lake Mjua - Area 3
  • Baltic Sea - Area 2
  • Deep Sea - Area 2
  • Getråsen - Area 3
  • Getråsen - Area 3
  • The calf - Area 4
  • Cheek - Area 4
  • Kvesen - Area 1
  • Kvesen - Area 1
  • Lake Mjua - Area 3
  • Lake Sävsjön - Area 3
  • Lake Stensjön - Area 3
  • Lake Yas - Area 2

Kvesen, Djupasjön, Stensjön, Kinnen m fl sjöar

  Kronobergs län and Blekinge län / Tingsryd and Ronneby municipality.

Our fishing waters are divided into 4 management areas with a total of 28 lakes. Areas 3 and 4 seem to cross the border to Blekinge.

White fish, pike, perch and pike. Salmon trout can be found in Lake Deep, Lake Yas and Lake Sävsjön.

Kvesen and other lakes - area 1
Kvesen, Skuntagöl, Abborrgölen, Flatsjön, Biningen, Fröagöl and Nättrabyån from Yxnanäs to Blekinge limit.

Deep sea and other lakes - area 2
Deep sea, Baltic, Lillasjön, Kroksjön, Yasjön, Markasjön, Lekaremålagöl.

Stensjön and other lakes - area 3
Stora Stensjön, Lilla Stensjön, Mjuasjön, Sävsjön, Getråsen, Parakel, Svältan.

Cheeks and more lakes - area 4
Kinnen, Kalven, Rålången, Lillesjön, Björkagölen, Svartsjön, Mullhövden and Lillån to Ronnebyån.

 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 18.

Fish species









Älmeboda-Eringsboda FVOF

Logo Älmeboda-Eringsboda FVOF

The association was formed in 1991.

The aim is to coordinate fishing and fisheries management, to promote the common interests of fishermen, and to provide fishing to the public through the sale of fishing licenses.

Organization number: 802600-6729

Customer number: 631, Area: 591.

Contact persons

Lars-Erik Karlsson


Fishing areas nearby Älmeboda-Eringsboda FVOF

Ljusterhövden, Blanken, mfl
Åsjön m fl sjöar
Ronnebyån, Vikholmen, Elften m fl vatten
Virens FVO Viren med flera sjöars Fiskevårdsområde

Affiliated fishing areas in Kronobergs län

Affiliated fishing areas in Blekinge län
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