
Borgsjöbyns FVOF

  • Char 2023


 se Västernorrlands län / Ånge municipality.

Lönntjärn is a smaller lake with plenty of perch and pike.
Windbreaks are located along the eastern edge.

Mycksjön is a fantastically beautiful lake with clear water and beautiful nature. The lake contains a fine population of implanted char but also plenty of perch, trout and some large grayling. Lake trout are present but rare.
For those who do not want to fish from the association's boat, which is available to borrow for free, you can fish from land as there is a good road network around large parts of the lake.
A swimming area with benches and a fireplace is right next to the road so everyone can access it.

In 2022, char weighing 400–500 grams and some weighing about 4-5kg were planted.

In 2023, char weighing about 900 grams were planted.

In 2024, 440 kg of char were planted, of which 25 weighed 4.5 kg.

Black Lake:
Only separate day passes are sold here.

Premiere July 6, 2024 with newly planted rainbow trout weighing approximately 1kg. In total, 260 kg of rainbow trout were planted in 2024.

Getterån is a fantastically beautiful river where there is a good stock of trout and perch. A good place if you want to stream angling or fishing with a casting rod. Wind shelter and fireplace as well as a magically beautiful nature campsite are located along the river.
There is also a disabled-accessible pier here.
In Fettjärn there is a population of char, trout and perch.
Association boat available for loan. Other boats are prohibited.

Nybyggesjön is a smaller lake located in the Jämtgaveln nature reserve. Next to the lake there is a cabin with a nice aluminum boat that is open to everyone all year round. There is a nice stock of trout and perch here!
There is also a windbreak down by the lake that is managed by the county administrative board.
In winter there are nice snowmobile trails right in front of the cottage.
Nice marked paths all the way up to the cottage for those who want to hike.
In the summer there is also great fishing in Ovån where you can catch really nice trout in the stream.

Avan, Avabäcken, Svartjärn (north) and Baktjärn:
There is a good population of Perch and Trout here.

 Fiskeområdet är tillgänglighetsanpassat. För mer information, se fiskeområdets karta där punkter är utmärkta eller kontakta Borgsjöbyns FVOF.
 In this area, there is one or more "put and take" waters.
 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 15.
 Does not apply to Svarttjärn!

Fish species


Brown Trout

Rainbow trout







Borgsjöbyns FVOF

The fisheries management area has been active for over 80 years and the aim is to create a nice and good fishery for all people.

The area has poor reception in many places, so make sure you get your fishing license before you go.

Organization number: 889201-8121

Customer number: 3346, Area: 3405.

Contact persons

Andreas Grelsson
073 - 042 05 11

Tomas Johansson

070 - 654 80 07


Fishing areas nearby Borgsjöbyns FVOF


Torringen, Övertjärn, Nedertjärn

Komsta Åse FVO Gottjärn, Andalstjärn, Hökåstjärn, Skinnsjöarna mfl.

Sösjön, Hemsjön, Gråsjön m fl vatten

Valmets personalstiftelse Ottersjön

Affiliated fishing areas in Västernorrlands län
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