
Valmet Personalstiftelse Ottersjön


Valmets personalstiftelse Ottersjön

 se Västernorrlands län / Sundsvall municipality.
 We don't sell permits in this area!
iFiske does not yet sell fishing permit sfor this organisation. At this page, you'll only find information about the area. Of course, we hope to be able to sell the fishing permits for Valmet Personalstiftelse Ottersjön as well soon.

Ottersjön is relatively close to Sundsvall-Timrå.
It is fine to go there for the day and bring a fishing rod and coffee basket.
From Sundsvall you simply drive west via the E14 and at the Torpshammar exit turn right towards Gimåfors, From Timrå you drive via road 320 towards Sandnäset and Djupröra.
Ottersjön has a good fish stock of char, rainbow and trout, but it is possible to catch the occasional perch as well. In several places around the lake there are windbreaks and below the barbecue hut there is a large jetty.
A fishing license is required to fish and special fishing rules apply.
We also see that you submit catch reports, so we can follow up the intake and keep a good fish stock in the lake with continuous stocking.
The fishing license must be carried with all fishing in Ottersjön, checks may occur. Poaching is reported to the police.

 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 12.
 Only in company with a keeper / adult / person who holds a valid fishing license (on his quota)

Fish species




Valmet Personalstiftelse Ottersjön

To offer employees the opportunity for recreation and community through a versatile range of different activities by promoting outdoor life, exercise and wellness.

Organization number: 889201-5580

Customer number: 3537, Area: 3605.

Contact persons

Valmet Active
010-787 00 00


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Invasiva arter information

Fishing areas nearby Valmet Personalstiftelse Ottersjön

Gimån, Konsttjärnen, Åstjärnen m fl vatten

Komsta Åse FVO Gottjärn, Andalstjärn, Hökåstjärn, Skinnsjöarna mfl.

Hällesjö FVOF

Svedje-Västanede-Övsjö FVO


Affiliated fishing areas in Västernorrlands län
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