Galtsjön is a forest lake located on the E22 just west of Ronneby, a restaurant / café by the lake.
Restaurant / Café available. At the rest area Galtsjön there are toilets and nice barbecue areas.
Stock planted rainbow trout, pike and perch.
Boats are available for rent, for info see website below.
We assume that you respect the rules that apply and follow the signage that is made and behave in such a way as you should in nature. As a fisherman, of course, follow both the written and unwritten rules that apply to all anglers.
The municipality works for citizens and to make fishing accessible to the public.
Organization number: 212000-0837
Customer number: 1186, Area: 3008.0457 - 61 80 00
Endast vardagar mellan 8:00-16:00
Södra Bräkneån, Mörtströmmen m fl vatten