Gula kortet Göteborg

  • Successful perch fishing Stora Delsjön
  Västra Götalands län / Göteborg municipality.

With the Yellow Card in your pocket and curiosity as a compass, you can fish your way through as many as 60 different fishing waters in different natural environments in the Gothenburg area. You get access to miles of flowing water and lots of beautiful forest lakes in Vättlefjäll and Härskogen.

About the Gothenburg Yellow Card

The Gula Kort's 60 waters give you unlimited fishing opportunities. The fact is that almost all lakes and miles of waterways in and around Gothenburg are included on one and the same fishing license, which is unique. In addition, the diversity is very large with everything from fishing for lake and carp to large pike and clean fly fishing lakes with self-reproducing trout.

It is important to us that Gula Kortet's water is managed well. Fishery conservation efforts are therefore underway in several waters, mainly to improve the opportunities for trout to spawn. Often it is migration obstacles, such as dams and power plants, that cause problems for fish migration and spawning. Recreating hiking trails between lakes and flowing watercourses is therefore a long-term important task. Other fisheries conservation measures within the Yellow Card waters are liming and returning stone to cleared stretches. Beyond this
Many waters are monitored through, for example, test fishing and water sampling. Among some of the great fishing opportunities, the big carp in Härlanda tjärn, Delsjöarna and Surtesjön can be mentioned. Fishing in central Gothenburg can deliver really good perch fishing during spring and autumn. When it comes to pike, Sävelången is undoubtedly one of the region's best waters, but we particularly recommend Göta älv from the Tingstad Tunnel and up to Kungälv as relatively unexplored stretches with enormous potential. For those interested in fly fishing, we have trout lakes in Vättlefjäll, Sörbergen and the Delsjö area where only fishing with traditional fly fishing equipment is allowed. In other waters we do
regular releases of rainbow.

Read more about the Yellow Card and the species found there in the Yellow Guide .

Compete in your Gula kart water and win great prizes. The anglers present the Gula League

Areas covered by the Yellow Card, some of these waters have depth maps that can be viewed at :

Amhults Dam, Bergsjön, Bredvattnet, Gravsjön, Grästjärnet, Gäddevatten, Göta Älv, Holmesjön, Hornasjön, Hållsjön, Häcksjön, Härlanda Tjärn, Högsjön, Idtjärnet, Iglatjärnen and Plogfoten, Klare Mosse, Lilla Härsjön, Lilla Stamsjön, Lysevattnet, Långevatten, Långevattnet, Lärjeån, Mölndalsån, Fattighusån and Gullbergsån, Nordre Älv, Nordsjön, Oxsjön, Prästtjärnen, Rellsjön, Rådasjön, Sisjön, Skrovtjärnet, Skyrsjön, Skärsjön, Smörvattnet and Skulevatten, Stensjön, Stora Härsjön, Stora Mölnesjön, Stora and Lilla Björsjön, Stora and Lilla Delsjön .

 This area has one or more fishing spots available for disabled. For more information, please see the fishing area map, or contact Gula kortet Göteborg.
 In this area, there is one or more "put and take" waters.
 The area includes one or more fishing areas for catch-and-release, i.e the fishes are gently put back into the water alive.
 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 16.
 Young people under the age of 16 may fish without a fishing license in all the waters of the Yellow Card, with the same rules as for card holders.

Fish species



























Gula kortet Göteborg

Ever since 1919, anglers have worked to ensure that there is good fishing in clean waters with healthy fish stocks. Our goal is to develop long-term sustainable sport fishing that is accessible to everyone.

If you have questions about specific fishing cards, which rules apply, when the cards go on sale, etc., please contact the respective fishing area. has no local knowledge of rules and fishing conditions etc. beyond what is available on the website.

Organization number: 802004-4288

Customer number: 3328, Area: 3386.

Contact persons

Sportfiskarna Region Väst

Sjölyckan 6, 416 55 Göteborg 
031-40 17 40 Öppetider: 08.00-16.00 vardagar. I övrig tid hänvisar vi till mail.
 eller  vid misstänkt tjuvfiske.


Fishing areas nearby Gula kortet Göteborg

Kräftfiske Delsjöarna och Sisjön
Blå kortet Göteborg
Sävedalsvattnet Säveåns laxfiske
Lindomeån centrumsträckan
Jonseredsvattnet Säveåns laxfiske

Affiliated fishing areas in Västra Götalands län
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