Håckrens FVOF


Håckrens Kortfiskeområde

  Jämtlands län / Åre municipality.

The Håckren magazine offers one of the best fishing in the county. This is something completely different from "put & take". Here you will find only naturally grown fish and sport fishing at the highest level. The stock consists of trout, char, harr, pike, perch and lake. The planting done is derived from the rummage that we do in these waters every autumn. You have probably heard of "Håckrenrödingen" - mentioned for its quality and size.

Winter time is the pimp fish that applies in the hopper magazine, blink and maggot on the hook usually yield good results. The best fishing spots are at the top of the magazine and down at the regulating pond.

At fishing summertime, no particular area is better or worse from catch point. The crucial is weather and wind as well as the will of the fish. Boats and long runs work throughout the summer while fishing from land is best in the summertime in connection with the harness play. In the ponds, reel and flypike are best suited. Copper and dark spinners are walkable baits but it is also allowed to fish with a mask.

In most of the ponds only trout occurs. Earring in the roller coaster is best at higher water levels in the early summer.

 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 17.

Fish species







Håckrens FVOF

Håckrens Fish Care Area Association aims to coordinate the fishing industry's fishing and fishing activities, and to give fish to the public through the sale of fishing licenses.

Organization number: 893202-6282

Customer number: 349, Area: 310.

Contact persons

Fredrik Sätter

0727 - 14 61 71

Håckren Fiskevårdsområdesförening


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