
  Kronobergs län.
  • Norrsjöns FVOF
  • Linnebjörkesjöns FVOF
  • Madsjön FVOF
  • Innarens FVOF
  • Asa-Tolgsjöns FVOF
  • Toftasjöns FVO (Växjö)
  • Rottnens FVOF
  • Vinterbild över Öjaren
  • Sörabysjöns FVOF
  • Lammens FVOF
  • Stråkens FVOF (Kronobergs län)
  • Helige Å FVOF
  • Dansjön-Furens FVOF
  • Åsnens FVO
  • Årydsjöns FVOF
  • Salens FVOF
  • Vikasjön från södra stranden vid båtramp
  • Växjösjöarnas FVOF
  • Vederslövssjöns FVOF
  • Helgasjöns FVO G Län
  • Värmens FVO


In Växjö there are about 200 lakes to choose from, even in the city of Växjö. Fishing is offered in the lakes Växjösjön, Trummen, Barnsjön and Södra and Northern Bergundasjön. In Växjö extensive work is being done to raise water quality in the waterways and through this work it has improved significantly.

If you want to leave the city and city fishing in Växjö, you can instead look out into the beautiful Småland forests. Many of the lakes around Växjö are part of a 186 km long Mörrumsån water system, such as Helgasjön and Åsnen. Åsnen is a fishing paradise of 15,000 ha of water and with a shoreline of 740 km. It is also one of the largest fishing lakes in southern Sweden. The lake has many islands, fjords and coves, which provides diversity and variety. It also has a rich fish fauna, and you can catch pike, perch, goose and eel among many other things. Part of Åsnen's scenic environment is also a national park.

Helgasjön is located just north of Växjö. The lake is surrounded by varying scenery with several heights, woodland and meadow, with varying settlements. The lake has several wide fjords and intermediate larger and smaller islands, which form healthy and archipelago-like parties. There are also flicky beaches and bays with shallower water. The lake has a rich fish population consisting mainly of perch, goose and pike, but also brax, roach, lion, sooter and lake. It also has an old stock of trout. The lake has sheltered playgrounds for trout and fishing trails has been built to promote its stocks and development. During August and September, there are signal counts in the lake.

Mörrumsån itself is sometimes known as Holy Island and Helge and has a nice salmon river, but fishing for sea trout also works. As usual, the best fishing spots are very close to roads and parking lots. If you go for a while and dare to try out new places, much remains to be discovered in Holy, but deeper and more calm-flowing parties - but on the other hand they are virtually untouched.

Fishing and stay in nature apply to all rights, which means liberties but also consideration and responsibility.

External page
External page

Fishing areas in Växjö

  Asatolgsjöns FVOF
  Dansjön-Furens FVOF
  Helgasjöns FVO G Län
  Helige Å FVOF
This area has one or more fishing spots available for disabled. For more information, please see the fishing area map, or contact Helige Å FVOF.

  Innarens FVOF
  Lammens FVOF
  Linnebjörkesjöns FVOF
  Madsjön FVOF
  Norrsjöns FVOF
  Rottnens FVOF
  Salens FVOF
  Stråkens FVOF (Kronobergs län)
  Sörabysjöns FVOF
  Toftasjöns FVO (Växjö)
  Vederslövssjöns FVOF
  Värmens FVO
  Växjösjöarnas FVOF
  Åreda-Vikasjöns FVOF
  Årydsjöns FVOF
  Åsnens FVO
  Öjaren, Byasjön, Skärsjön och Bastesjöns FVO...
  Örkens FVOF
Yep, We sell permits for this area!We don't sell permits in this area

The most recent catch reports

07-16  Christoffer Lundsedt
 Växjösjöarnas FVOF
 Fishing method:Spinning
 Växjösjön, Södra Bergundasjön, Trummen mfl
 • 1 fish(es) Perch  at 1.1 kg and 44 cm.  (  No, released!)
07-15  Philipp Weee
 Åsnens FVO
 Fishing method:Spinning
 Best lure/bait:Wobbler small (0-10 cm)
 • 1 fish(es) Pike  at 1.6 kg and 60 cm.
07-06  Enrico Möbius
 Asatolgsjöns FVOF
 Fishing method:Spinning
 Best lure/bait:Wobbler small (0-10 cm)
 Asatolgsjöns FVOF
 • 2 fish(es) Pike  at a total of 3.5 kg, Avg. Weight 1.75 kg.  "62cm + 58cm"   (  No, released!)
07-13  Jens Karlsson
 Åsnens FVO
 Fishing method:Spinning
 Best lure/bait:Spinner midsize (6-12 grams)
 • 18 fish(es) Perch  at a total of 0.5 kg, Avg. Weight 0.03 kg. at a total of 1.0 cm, Average length 0.06 cm.  "Only one of all about 20 perches was taken up, the rest had to go back"
07-09  Enrico Möbius
 Asatolgsjöns FVOF
 Fishing method:Spinning
 Best lure/bait:Wobbler small (0-10 cm)
 Asatolgsjöns FVOF
 • 1 fish(es) Pike  at 3.0 kg.
07-12  Matthias Scheuenstuhl
 Helgasjöns FVO G Län
 Fishing method:Trolling
 Best lure/bait:Jig / Soft Bait (Tail / Grub)
  "Softbait was 22 cm long. Fish was 44 cm long and 1 kg in weight. "
  Helgasjön Växjö
 • 1 fish(es) Perch  at 1.0 kg.  (  No, released!)
07-09  Fritz Walther
 Åsnens FVO
 Fishing method:Trolling
 Best lure/bait:Wobbler midsize (11-20 cm)
 • 1 fish(es) Zander  at 2.0 kg and 54 cm.
07-10  Vineeth Jose
 Madsjön FVOF
 Fishing method:Angling
 Best lure/bait:Shrimp
 • No fish
07-09  Tabea Henkel
 Helgasjöns FVO G Län
 Fishing method:Rowing boat trolling
 Best lure/bait:Wobbler small (0-10 cm)
 Helgasjön Växjö
 • 1 fish(es) Pike  at 4.2 kg.
07-08  Matthias Scheuenstuhl
 Helgasjöns FVO G Län
 Fishing method:Trolling
 Best lure/bait:Wobbler midsize (11-20 cm)
 Helgasjön Växjö
 • 1 fish(es) Pike  at 5.0 kg.  (  No, released!)

Catch reports

The most recent catch reports Växjö kommun 

Fishing guides in Växjö kommun

 Here you will find Guides and Instructors operating in the swedish area of Växjö kommun. Many of these guides also work as freelance guides in other parts of the country and the world.
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