The lake Risten is a long-range lake with largely steep, mountainous beaches, but also with founder coves and lots.
The name teaches that the lake is a "slate" in the mountain. The topography makes the surroundings largely made up of forests, with rather little construction. In the south there are some longer stretches of pastures. The lake is relatively deep - about 20 meters deepest. All in all, this means that the lake is oligotrophic with good water quality.
The main fish fish in the lake are pike and perch, and it is a good instance of large perch. Lake occurs rare. For smaller fishes, for example, smelt. In addition to this there are different species of whitefish; braxen, roach, hunter and sarv.
The aim of the fishery conservation area is to coordinate fishing activities and fisheries in the Lake Risten , to promote the common interests of fishermen and to grant fishing rights to the public.
Organization number: 802427-0236
Customer number: 151, Area: 116.070-744 54 54
Tedensjöarna, Gersken och Losjön
Ören (Örn), Vin, Örbågen, Följaren, Axsjön mfl