Borken Såkens FVO manages the following water:
Borken, Halgen, Hemgölen, Hörsjön, Kvarnsjön, Lilla Engölen, Stengölen, St Gullringsvatnet, St Engölen, Såken, Trihörn .
Borken Såkens FVO is located approx. 1 mile northeast of Åtvidaberg towards Fröjerum. Depth maps can be viewed on Lowrance C-Map .
Big fish are in the lakes. The largest pike with hand tackle weighed 12.6kg and the largest perch taken with a jig 2.4kg. So hold on to your tools!
Boat ramps:
Important information! Not all ramps are suitable with 2wd and heavy boats. All equipment must be parked after loading so as not to block the ramp. The ramp at Halgen may be closed some weeks between May and September due to grazing cattle. Information when suspension occurs is reported on our page on Facebook. Otherwise, call our contact person.
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In the northwest corner of Lilla Borken there is a shallow passage over to Borken.
For more information, see Contact persons below!
Borken Såkens FVO works a lot with fisheries conservation. Implantation of pikeperch has taken place in a couple of lakes.
Boat ramps have been built for most lakes and more information is available on our Facebook page:
Borken Såkens FVO .
Organization number: 802600-7982
Customer number: 102, Area: 66.Andreas Andersson
0702 - 99 17 01
Glupen, Parsen, Stora- och Lilla Mysingen mfl
Tedensjöarna, Gersken och Losjön