Skiren med flera sjöars fiskeförening


Glupen, Parsen, Stora- och Lilla Mysingen mfl

  Östergötlands län / Söderköping municipality.
The lakes are geographically dispersed over a 700 hectare area, with clear wilderness feeling. The total water area is about 101 ha.
 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 17.
 Only in company with a keeper / adult / person who holds a valid fishing license (on his quota)

Skiren med flera sjöars fiskeförening

The association has 7 lakes in Östra Ryds parish, Söderköping municipality. The fish layers are pike, perch, braxen, sutare etc. Boat is available for lending in all lakes. Key to the boats is at Lyckebo.

Organization number: 802506-3515

Customer number: 1007, Area: 966.

Contact persons

Erik Carlsson
614 96 Östra Ryd
0706 - 92 22 91


Fishing areas nearby Skiren med flera sjöars fiskeförening

Bysjön (Vegalla)
Borken Såken
Hövern, Lången, Hemsjön
Hällerstadsjön, Venasjön

Affiliated fishing areas in Östergötlands län
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