Stora och Lilla Ramsjöns FVO


Stora och Lilla Ramsjön

 se Västra Götalands län / Partille municipality.

Great and Little Ramsjön are two lakes and the total area is about 10 hectares.

The lakes lie on the hill north of Jonsered's mansion and have the character of forest lakes with vegetation down to the lake. The lakes are reached by walking the Bohusleden north from Jonsered Manor.

The lakes have rich insect life throughout the season. The trout is self-producing since 1988.

 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 15.
 Only in company with a keeper / adult / person who holds a valid fishing license (on his quota)

Fish species


Stora och Lilla Ramsjöns FVO

Partille Sportfiskeklubb manages a sport fishing water with self-reproducing trout trunk. The association conducts fishing and supervision in the lake and our goal is to preserve the trout in the lake and offer a sport fishing on wild trout.

Partille Sportfiskeklubb began in 1986 with preparing the lake and planting fry of cross-water trout.

Organization number: 802524-0121

Customer number: 1145, Area: 1106.

Contact persons

Veikko Koponen

072 - 977 51 29


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