FVO = Fiskevårdsområde, FVOF = Fiskevårdsområdesförening och FVF=Fiskevårdsförening. Det finns cirka 2 000 fiskevårdsområden i Sverige. Alla har egna regler när det kommer till hur fiske får utföras.
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Malgomaj FVOF


The area consists of lake Malgomaj with flowing watercourses. The fishing license area extends from Lövnäs village to Malgovik. Malgomajsjön offers fishing for char, rainbow trout, grayling, whitefish, lake pike, perch and roach. Canada trout and lake salmon were planted many years ago. The fishing Fishing in the lake …
 Perch  Pike  Rainbow trout  Brown Trout 
 Grayling  Char  Roach  Burbot 

Alljungens FVOF


Alljungen is Blekinge's largest spring water lake. Dn is 6530 meters from south to north, and at its narrowest 30 meters, and the depth is over 35 meters. The lake has clear and clean water, where fish and aquatic animals thrive. Here there is a good stock of e …
 Perch  Pike  Zander  Common bream 
 Roach  Burbot  Whitefish  Crucian carp 
 Tench  Eel  Signal crayfish  Vendace 

Skedvikens fvof


Skedviken is located just under four miles east of Uppsala and half a mile northwest of Rimbo society. It is located in an agricultural area and has cultivated land on the beaches to the west, north and east. It is only in the south that continuous forest begins at …
 Perch  Pike  Zander  Common bream 
 Roach  Burbot  Crucian carp  Common rudd 
 Silver Bream  Ruffe 

Pengsjöns fvof


Pengsjön is a lake in Vännäs municipality in Västerbotten and is part of the Umeälven's main catchment area. The lake is 22 meters deep, has an area of 3 .28 square kilometers and is 131 meters above sea level. The lake is drained by the Pengån watercourse. During test …
 Perch  Pike  Zander 

Järvsö FVOF


Järvsö fvo offers varied fishing in both lakes and waterways. Gräningen is well known as good fishing water where we regularly release fish ready to be caught. Ljussjön is a gem for fly fishing for wild grayling and trout. Our most easily accessible precious fishing water is Kramstatjärn, where …
 Perch  Pike  Zander  Brown Trout 
 Grayling  Char 

Storsaivis Suobbat FVOF

Storsaivis Suobbat

The Storsaivis-Suobbat Fishery Conservation Area is located on the Lapland border in the southernmost part of Gällivare municipality in Lapland. Fish are planted in Storsaivissjön and Suobbatsjön. 5 lakes are part of the fisheries management area and you will find them along or near route 813. Here you will …
 Perch  Pike  Brown Trout  Grayling 
 Char  Roach  Burbot  Whitefish 

Bjensjöns fvof


Fvo manages the fishing in the lake, which is about 16 km southwest of Umeå, next to the road to Gräsmyr. Visit our website for the latest info. Four villages are located around the lake: Bjännsjö, Degersjö, Innersjö and Yttersjö. Lake Bjännsjön is easily accessible because the road goes …
 Perch  Pike  Zander  Brown Trout 
 Common bream  Roach  Burbot 

Nedre Gavleåns FVOF

Nedre Gavleåns

The area stretches between Åbyfors power plant to Hagaström power plant. Below Hagaström's power plant, there is free fishing. However, you must have a fishing license and follow the area's rules. …
 Perch  Pike  Zander 

Mellanströms FVOF


Welcome to the Mellanström fisheries management area ! In the Mellanström fisheries management area, there are many fine fishing waters with opportunities for good catches of, for example, perch, pike, grayling, whitefish and trout. as a fisherman in our waters is obliged to know the fishing rules that exist …
 Perch  Pike  Brown Trout  Grayling 
 Burbot  Whitefish 

Slagnäs-Bastusels FVOF


Skellefteälven: Slagnäs fishing waters are located on the county border between Norrbotten and Västerbotten. Brown trout are planted out. Slagnässjön: Slagnäs fishing waters are located on the county border between Norrbotten and Västerbotten. Brown trout are planted out . …
 Brown Trout  Grayling 

Hörnåns FVOF


Hörnån with its tributaries is managed by Hörnåns Fvo. Here you will find a typical Västerbottnian forest stream with varying environments. We would love for you to report your fishing. Use the form on our site. Other information: Leased water Where fishing licenses are purchased separately are: Håltjärn and …
 Brown Trout  Grayling  Sea trout 

Finnmarkens FVOF


Welcome to fantastic fishing in wonderful nature. Family friendly with easily accessible waters through a network of forest roads where you have the shortest 30 meters to the fishing water and the longest approx. 300m, but very nice paths. A number of wind shelters provide a roof over your …
 Perch  Pike  Zander  Brown Trout 
 Grayling  Char  Roach  Brook trout 
 Burbot  Whitefish  Vendace 

Norra Vallsjöns FVOF

Norra Vallsjön

Norra Vallsjön has a unique and exciting nature. The lake contains many islands and bays and in its immediate surroundings very little affected by buildings or anything else by man. We also have the smaller lakes Holmsjön, Färgesjön, Gärdesjön and Ältesjön where you really get to experience nature on …
 Perch  Pike  Zander  Common bream 
 Roach  Whitefish  Tench  Eel 

Vallbyåns FVOF


The association has 15 lakes with a total of approx. 635 ha and in addition approx. 45 km of running water. We regularly plant goldfish in three of our lakes. Rainbow in Hamptjärn, trout in Sarvtjärn and both rainbow and trout in Lövåssjön. We currently have a larger facility …
 Perch  Pike  Zander  Rainbow trout 
 Brown Trout  Char  Carp 

Särna-Idre FVOF


The lake area is approximately 6,000 ha and the larger streams are a total of approximately 17 miles. In addition, Sveaskog's water is leased and through joint management agreements most reserve waters are included, with the exception of the mountain waters in the Hävlingen system and on Fuluffjället. Only …
 Perch  Pike  Rainbow trout  Brown Trout 
 Grayling  Char  Roach  Brook trout 
 Ide  Burbot  Whitefish  European bullhead 
 Alpine bullhead  Vendace  Common dace 
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