FVO = Fiskevårdsområde, FVOF = Fiskevårdsområdesförening och FVF=Fiskevårdsförening. Det finns cirka 2 000 fiskevårdsområden i Sverige. Alla har egna regler när det kommer till hur fiske får utföras.
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Västansjö FVOF

Västansjö FVOF

Consists only of the approx. 30 ha Västansjö. Occurring fish species are pike, perch, roach, tench, Norway pike, birch, crayfish. Maximum depth of about 30 m. The lake forms a so-called death pit and looks like a lying "eight". The lake lacks rocks and only two small areas with …
 Perch  Pike  Roach  Tench 
 Crayfish  Silver Bream  Smelt 

Norra Venjans FVOF

Norra Venjans FVOF

Vanån and ogströmmen In the rushing parts there are grayling and trout. in the calm parts there are Perch, Pike Stämm, roach and id. In the streams there are trout and brook trout In other waters Lakes/ponds are abundant with perch, pike and roach In all waters a fishing …
 Perch  Pike  Brown Trout  Grayling 
 Char  Common bream  Roach  Brook trout 
 Ide  Burbot  Whitefish  Crucian carp 
 Vendace  Common dace 

Aareavaara FVOF

Aareavaara FVOF Muonio älv, Aareajoki och Aareajärvet

Muonio älv består av både strömmar forsar och lugnt vatten och är en av Europas bästa laxvatten med stor lax. Även ett mycket bra harrvatten. Längs älven finns ett antal grill/rastplatser. Aareajärvet är tre sjöar med gädda abborre och mört. Vid den största sjön finns även en bastu att …
 Perch  Pike  Brown Trout  Grayling 
 Salmon  Roach  Sea trout  Ide 
 Burbot  Whitefish 

Malmjärns FVOF

Malmjärns FVOF

Includes lake Malmjärn with smaller inflows and outflows, as well as parts of Hoån, Getån and Nystillaån . …
 Perch  Pike  Rainbow trout  Common bream 
 Roach  Burbot  Eel  Ruffe 

Umeå Kommun

Umeå Kommun

Welcome to Umeå municipality's portal page ! Here you can see all the fishing areas that we know of in Umeå municipality and the surrounding area. Click on the Map tab to see all fishing areas. Here you can also redeem fishing licenses for the municipality's own fishing waters: …
 Perch  Pike  Rainbow trout  Brown Trout 
 Grayling  Salmon  Roach  Grass carp 
 Sea trout  Ide  Whitefish  Smelt 

Lundsbergs Fvof

Lundsbergs Fvof

Pleasant lakes originating in spring lakes. All water upstream of the bridge at Klenoret, which separates Matlången from Hyttsjön, belongs to the area. The Ämtensjörna merge with Sävsjön, Bosjön and Grytingen in Acktjärn and then flow through Hållsjön to Matlången. There are few ramps for loading boats, but it …
 Perch  Pike  Zander  Rainbow trout 
 Brown Trout  Roach  Burbot  Tench 
 Common bleak  Smelt 

Vigotten-Lillsjöns FVOF

Vigotten-Lillsjöns FVOF

The lake has several islands and an interesting bottom structure with a maximum depth of 17 meters. The lake has good access to our most common sport fish such as Perch, Pike and Goose. We have introduced a mandatory catch report as it is important for us to manage …
 Perch  Pike  Zander  Common bream 
 Roach  Tench  Eel 

Garnsvikens FVOF

Garnsvikens fvof

Area 2 .1 square kilometers. Shoreline 20 .4 km. Average depth 4 .8 m. Maximum depth 10 m. Varied nature with, among other things, high mountains and elongated reed areas. Expected catch: Pike, perch, zander, asp and whitefish. Sea trout are planted in the lake. There are only a …
 Perch  Pike  Zander  Brown Trout 
 Common bream  Roach  Asp  Sea trout 
 Burbot  Crucian carp  Common rudd  Tench 
 Vimba  Eel  Signal crayfish  Silver Bream 
 Common bleak  Smelt  Ruffe 

Nedre Långans FVOF

Nedre Långans FVOF

Nedre Långan is a typical wilderness water with varying rapids and calmer sections - about 30 km of fishing experiences to discover down to the outlet of the Indalsälven. The area is classified as valuable of national interest. In the forests around Långan there is one of the world's …
 Perch  Pike  Brown Trout  Grayling 
 Roach  Brook trout  Whitefish  Crucian carp 
 Crayfish  European bullhead 

Öfjärdens FVOF

Öfjärdens FVOF Klingresjön, Älvsjösjön, Vikesjön, Öfjärden.

Klingresjön, Älvsjösjön, Vikesjön, Öfjärden and associated ponds and running water in between. Öfjärden: pike, perch, bream, roach and id. Vikesjön: pike, perch, bream, roach. Lake Älvsjö and Lake Klingresjön: pike, perch, roach. Inner-Rödtjärnen: ruda Ytter-Rödtjärnen: perch, trout. Torsån, part of Måsån, part of Strömsån: pike, perch, id. Farestaån: trout. …
 Perch  Pike  Zander  Brown Trout 
 Common bream  Roach  Ide  Burbot 
 Crucian carp  Ruffe  Vendace 

Lingheds FVOF


Linghed's fvof has many nice waters to offer, including: Akktjärn, Rödfisksjön and Kroksjön. You can only fish here if you have bought a special day pass that is only valid for each pond, then one fishing gear per day pass is valid (children under 10 fish on their parent's …
 Perch  Pike  Rainbow trout  Brown Trout 
 Grayling  Char  Common bream  Roach 
 Brook trout  Ide  Burbot  Whitefish 
 Crucian carp  Signal crayfish  Common bleak  Smelt 
 Ruffe  Vendace 

Alsterån-Lillån FVOF

Alsterån-Lillån FVOF

Alsterån, the main channel from Fridhem in Alsterfors, through the community of Alstermo, through Rydefors to Fagraskogskvarn . ATTENTION ! Fishing is NOT ALLOWED in Lillån north of Norretorp, Snokabäcken north of Bockaskruv towards Möcklasjö and Snärjebäcken, which enters the community from the south and empties into Bäckparken. (See …
 Perch  Pike  Common bream  Roach 
 Burbot  Tench 

Högsby Turistfiskekort

Högsby Turistfiskekort

The fishing permit is valid in: Abodaortens FVO Allgunnens FVO Badebodaåns FVO Handbörds FVO Högsby Emådalens FVO Kiasjöns FVO Sinnersjöarnas FVO Tämmens FVO Välens FVO Älmtens FVOAbodaorten Fishing Area Abodaorten Fishing area offers fishing in Lake Bjärssjön, Lake Kleven, Lake Kvillen, Lake Mörtesjön and part of Badebodaån. The area …

Målasjön m.fl sjöars FVOF

Målasjön m.fl sjöars FVOF

Welcome to fishing in the lakes that belong to Målasjön with several lakes' fishing conservation area. Here you can fish most traditional Swedish fish both in river and lake. The area borders the municipalities of Ljungby, Alvesta and Älmhult and it is also here that little Helge å begins. …
 Perch  Pike  Common bream  Roach 
 Burbot  Tench  Eel 

Singö FVOF

Singö FVOF

The area consists of approx. 4400 ha of fishing water around about 20 islands and a large number of kobbs and skerries. The area includes Storträsket, which is a lake . …
 Perch  Pike  Zander  Common bream 
 Salmon  Roach  Sea trout  Ide 
 Burbot  Whitefish  Crucian carp  Tench 
 Silver Bream  European bullhead  Smelt  Alpine bullhead 
 Ruffe  Vendace  Cod  European flounder 
 Herring  Pink salmon 
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