FVO = Fiskevårdsområde, FVOF = Fiskevårdsområdesförening och FVF=Fiskevårdsförening. Det finns cirka 2 000 fiskevårdsområden i Sverige. Alla har egna regler när det kommer till hur fiske får utföras.
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Storåbränna-Lakavattnets FVOF

Storån, Lakavattnet m fl vatten

The following water is available in the fishing area: Storån, Lakavattnet, Tingelintjärn, Stenbottentjärn, Dammtjärn, Påletjärn, Långvikstjärn, Lill-Öretjärn, Raw iron, Long-iron, Stonebottentärn, Rust iron and Nordanbackstärn. The Storåbränna-Lakavattnets fishing area adjoins Hotagens Nature Reserve about 8 km north of Krokom. Fishing takes place in a scenic environment with clean and …
 Perch  Pike  Brown Trout  Grayling 
 Char  Burbot  Whitefish 

Huså-Smedjevikens FVOF

Kallsjön (Huså-Smedjeviken)

Kallsjön is a large and deep fish-rich mountain lake with trout, Canadian trout, mountain trout, grayling and whitefish. Perhaps best known for trolling fishing. The fisheries conservation area also includes a number of ponds on the south side of Kallsjön, such as Daltjärnen, Gruvdammarna, Gråvalstjärnen, Övre-Lilltjärn, Nedre-Lilltjärnen, Sandkläpptjärnen and …
 Brown Trout  Grayling  Char  Brook trout 
 Burbot  Whitefish  Lake (Canada) trout 

Norensjöarnas FVOF


At the Lövstaströmmen, the area borders Duved, this is signposted at the shore. Just beyond Lövsta gård there is a road down towards Lövstaströmmen where it is also possible to park, from there you follow a path about 300 m down to the river. Down by the river there …
 Brown Trout  Char  Burbot 

Litsbygden FVOF

Hårkan, Indalsälven, Sännån m fl vatten

Welcome to Litsbygdens FVO with the center about 20 km north of Östersund. In the center there is a grocery store, gas station with kiosk and café, pizzeria and lunch restaurant. Right next door is Lits camping, near the entrance to Lit, with cottages, canoes and boat rentals as …
 Perch  Pike  Brown Trout  Grayling 
 Char  Common bream  Roach  Brook trout 
 Burbot  Whitefish  Crayfish  European bullhead 
 Alpine bullhead  Vendace  Lake (Canada) trout 

Övre Hoans FVOF

Stortjärnen, Horten m fl vatten

Upper Hoan is a fishery conservation area with all varieties of fishing. Everything from fly fishing, spin fishing, brook trout, put & take fishing, boat fishing and trolling fishing. Lakes, ponds, streams and creeks ! The main waters are Stortjärnen and Horten . Other waters are Vitvattssjön, Rammsjön, Rammsjötjärn, …
 Perch  Pike  Rainbow trout  Brown Trout 
 Grayling  Char  Whitefish 

Näldsjöns FVOF


Lake Näldsjön has fishing all year round with good road networks, the nearest main town is Krokom. From land you best fish perch, grayling and pike. The largest reported pike weighed 12 kg. The trout is located in deeper water, around the islands are depths of 30-40 meters and …
 Perch  Pike  Brown Trout  Grayling 
 Char  Roach  Burbot  Whitefish 

Ytterhogdals FVOF


Ljusnan, Abborrtjärn, Åkertjärn, Ytterhogdal, Kyrksjön, Aldertjärnen, Långströmsjön …

Granboforsens FVOF

Granboforsen, Indalsälven m fl vatten

Fishing in a regulated part of the Indalsälven between Kattstrupeforsen power station to Långan's outlet where pike, grayling, trout and perch are most common. Boat rental possible, contact us for further information . …
 Perch  Pike  Brown Trout  Grayling 
 Char  Brook trout  Burbot  Whitefish 

Storsjö FVOF (Bergs kommun)

Storsjön, Sölvbacka strömmar, Skärkån m fl vatten

The fishing opportunities are many and varied in one of Jämtland's largest fisheries management areas. In the Övre Ljungan valley with Helagsfjällen to the far west, there are thousands of hectares of forest surrounded by mighty mountains. In the area there are close to 50 lakes and ponds and …
 Perch  Pike  Brown Trout  Grayling 
 Char  Burbot  Whitefish 

Gunnarvattnets FVOF

Gunnarvattnet m fl vatten

Within Gunnarvattnet's fisheries conservation area, there are only original fish stocks that are naturally adapted to their environment . …

Upplands FVOF

Liten (mellersta delen)

Small is a lake in the Indalsälven that offers fine fishing for everything from beginners to professionals. The association provides fishing in the middle part of the lake, see map for further information about the boundaries of the fishing water. The lake varies in shallow bays with reeds, beaches …
 Perch  Pike  Brown Trout  Grayling 
 Char  Burbot  Whitefish  Lake (Canada) trout 

Övre Öjåns FVOF

Öjarssjöns, Öjån, Hundvågen m fl vatten

Öjarssjön med alla holmar och skär som erbjuder exlusivt gäddfiske och grov abborre ! Här finns en båt att hyra. Från sjön börjar sedan Öjån som är ett av Ammeråns viktigaste biflöden .Här fiskar du harr och öring i en oreglerad å med fina sel och strömmar. Vattnen är …
 Perch  Pike  Brown Trout  Grayling 
 Roach  Burbot  Whitefish 

Övre Ammeråns FVOF

Övre Ammerån

Övre Ammeråns FVO is an undeveloped pearl in the inland of Norrland, offering everything that both spin anglers and fly fishermen can wish for. The streams of the river are well known among fly fishermen for their excellent grayling and trout fishing, but in recent years the excellent pike …
 Perch  Pike  Brown Trout  Grayling 
 Char  Roach  Ide  Burbot 
 Whitefish  Common dace 

Östra Åresjöns FVOF

Brattlandsströmmen Åresjön

The Brattlands Stream is one of Western Jämtland's best fly fishing streaks and the area's best fishing in flowing waters. If you are in Åre and fish close up, Brattlands Stream is recommended, below Åresjön. Dive invitations have shown that there are very large amounts of trout here. …

Ragunda FVOF

Öratjärn, Abborrtjärn, Grönvattnet m fl vatten

Available waters within the fisheries management area: Eartjärn, Perchjärn, Grönvatnet, Morttjärn, Arvstjärn, Skiftestjärn, Hummeltjärn, Bollsjön, Hammarsjön, Skaltjärn, Singsån, Mannsjön, Råsjön, Indalsälven, Gerilån, Halån. Ear iron Trout, char and rainbow trout, max 3 fish/day, easily accessible, swimming area, boating prohibited. Perch iron Indian salmon, max 1 fish/day, special card applies …
 Perch  Pike  Rainbow trout  Brown Trout 
 Grayling  Char  Brook trout  Burbot 
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