FVO = Fiskevårdsområde, FVOF = Fiskevårdsområdesförening och FVF=Fiskevårdsförening. Det finns cirka 2 000 fiskevårdsområden i Sverige. Alla har egna regler när det kommer till hur fiske får utföras.
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Mossjöns FVOF

Mossjön i Kalmar län

Located just east of Mariannelund Boat available for rent: Tobias Asklöf Björksnäs 105 598 97 Mariannelund 0730576529 caippon@hotmail .com …
 Perch  Pike  Roach 

Uskens FVOF

Usken, Aspen och Södra Brunnsjön

Scenic altitude lakes in the Arbogaån (Järleån) upper waters. Usken surrounded by mainly farmland and recreational areas, while Aspen and south Brunnsjön forest lakes. Access to Visit address in Usken. Uskavigården offer camping and cabin rentals and boat rentals . …


Sörsjön, Norrsjön

Sörsjön is a water with many deep edges and hilly bottom. The lake has slopes from 3 to 23 meters and fine areas where pike, pike and perch thrive well. A boat ramp is located in the river that runs between Norrsjön and Sörsjön, where there are also some …
 Perch  Pike  Zander 

Vedevåg-Högstaboda FVOF

Vedevågssjön, Vågaren, Högstabosjön

The fishery conservation area is part of the Arbogaån water system and consists of three contiguous lakes. Easily accessible from several connection routes. Scenic area that is just as suitable for a canoe trip when the lakes are connected by a beautiful river, as for a wonderful fishing experience …
 Perch  Pike  Zander  Common bream 
 Roach  Tench 

Växjösjöarnas FVOF

Växjösjön, Södra Bergundasjön, Trummen mfl

Föreningen förvaltar följande fem sjöar:Växjösjön, Södra och Norra Bergundasjön, Trummen och Barnsjön . …
 Perch  Pike  Zander  Common bream 
 Roach  Burbot  Crucian carp  Common rudd 
 Tench  Eel  Signal crayfish  Silver Bream 
 Common bleak  Ruffe 

Linneryd-Rolsmosjöns FVOF

Linnerydssjön, Rolsmosjön

Linnerydssjön and Rolsmosjön are located in southeastern Kronoberg. Linnerydssjön occupies an area of 1 .45 square kilometers and has an average depth of 2 .1 meters and a maximum depth of 8 meters at most. Rolsmosjön is a small lake, connected to Linnerydssjön, via a strait under road 122. …
 Perch  Pike  Common bream  Roach 
 Tench  Signal crayfish 

Rottnens FVOF


Lake Rottnen is approximately 3400 hectares with alot of islands, promontories and deep edges. The largest depth is 22 meters. The average depth is 5,5 meters. There are navigation marks, waterways and marked spawning grounds made by piles of brushwood on the bottom of the lake. These are excellent …
 Perch  Pike  Zander  Common bream 
 Roach  Burbot  Whitefish  Common rudd 
 Tench  Signal crayfish  Silver Bream  Ruffe 

Öjen m fl sjöars FVOF

Öjen, Hedasjön m fl sjöar

The fishing area includes the lakes: Hedasjön, Flogöl, Djupegöl, Äspesjön, Skärsjön, Hästebäckagöl, Hyllsjön, Kvarnsjön, Öjen, Öjaströmmasjön and intermediate watercourses , Fagerekeån, Lesseboån to the confluence with Ronnebyån and part of Hässlebäcken from the lake to the railway bank . Parking space and boating facilities are available at: Old saw …
 Perch  Pike  Zander  Common bream 
 Roach  Crucian carp  Common rudd  Tench 
 Silver Bream 

Hammarsjöns FVOF

Hammarsjön, Lagaån

An area of Lagaån between 2 power plants. The fishing area is 7 km long consisting of a power plant dam and a flowing stretch. It is implanted trout and carp. In the area of the pond, carp fishing is conducted, all carp must be released. Fishing ban Trarydskraftverket …
 Perch  Pike  Brown Trout  Carp 

Innarens FVOF


Welcome to fish and experience a fantastic lake with a fine and clear water and with forested hills on the horizon. Here you will find a good stock of coarse perch and of course also the most common freshwater fish. There has also been reported the occurrence of molds. …
 Perch  Pike  Common bream  Roach 
 Burbot  Whitefish  Tench  Eel 
 Vendace  Catfish 

Läens FVOF


The camp is a beautiful lake with very fine water, which is among other things a water source for the municipality's inhabitants. Through the lake runs a gravel road which means that there are very nice slopes and slopes where it is popular to fish. The lake is located …
 Perch  Pike  Zander  Common bream 
 Roach  Tench 

Älmeboda-Eringsboda FVOF

Kvesen, Djupasjön, Stensjön, Kinnen m fl sjöar

Our fishing waters are divided into 4 management areas with a total of 28 lakes. Areas 3 and 4 seem to cross the border to Blekinge. White fish, pike, perch and pike. Salmon trout can be found in Lake Deep, Lake Yas and Lake Sävsjön. Kvesen and other lakes …
 Perch  Pike  Zander  Brown Trout 
 Common bream  Roach  Burbot  Tench 

Boskvarnasjöns FVOF

Boskvarnasjön, Lillesjön

Boskvarnasjön is a deep lake with an average depth of 5 .5 meters and a maximum depth of almost 30 meters. The water is a bit silver in character and is surrounded by a beautiful nature with rocks and forest. The bottom consists mostly of stone. The fish species …
 Perch  Pike  Zander  Roach 
 Burbot  Whitefish  Eel  Signal crayfish 

Össjasjöns FVOF

Össjöasjön, Gummestasjön, Hampsjön

Össsjöasjön är en liten örik lövskogskransad insjö i sydvästra delarna av Torpa och Vrå socknar i Kronobergs län. Dess areal är omkring 65 hekter men ytan var något större före utdikningsförsöket vid 1800-talets mitt. Djupet är inte imponerande, men uppgår på sina ställen till 3 och 3,5 meter. Namnet …
 Perch  Pike  Roach  Tench 

Vasen m fl sjöars FVOF

Vasen, Hacksjön m fl sjöar

The fishing area includes the lakes: Vasen, Hacksjön, Knäsjön, Göljösagölen, Linnehultagölen, as well as parts of lingering and departing water, mainly Ronnebyån from Ånäs dammluckor at the outlet of Rottnen to Ronnebyån's outlet in Veden and part of Veden, the eastern part. Parking space and boating facilities are located …
 Perch  Pike  Roach  Whitefish 
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